What if…? questions about colorectal cancer screening
What if I don’t have any symptoms?
It’s always worthwhile to participate in screening when you’re invited. Symptoms of colorectal cancer can be vague or be missing altogether especially in the early stages of cancer. Particularly precursors do not cause symptoms. However, with screening these precursors can be found and treated.
What if I do have symptoms?
It’s always worthwhile to participate in screening when you’re invited. If you have symptoms, you can still participate. But if you do have symptoms, you should not wait for the invitation to screening but contact a doctor.
If you have persistent stomach or bowel symptoms or anal bleeding, you should always contact a doctor. Do this even if you have just participated or are about to participate in screening. Usually the reason for these symptoms is not cancer.
What if I am on constipation medication?
You can use them as you have been instructed. You can take the screening sample even if you are on medication that effects stool or defecation. You can take the sample regardless of any medication you are on.
What if I’m travelling?
Bon voyage! You can take the screening sample when it best suits you so you can take it after your trip. The invitation is valid until the end of the calendar year.
Do remember to send the sample to the screening laboratory soon after you have taken it.
What if I have diarrhea?
The sample can be analyzed even if you have diarrhea, but taking the sample might be difficult. If you want, you can take the sample later. The invitation is valid until the end of the calendar year.
If you have persistent stomach or bowel symptoms or anal bleeding, you should always contact a doctor.